Monday, August 03, 2009
Enough Drama for the year....
What an exhausting, confusing, and absolutely crazy weekend we had. So, let me tell you about the drama. So..we're at the hospital...we're told that Jakey's x-rays show that he has an enlarged EKG is also done that comes up abnormal.....myocarditis is what they say. Three ER doctors decide that he needs to be in the ICU. We're told to make necessary arrangements...because the time we'll be there is uncertain....the next step is to take a biopsy of his heart. Depending of the severity medication will be required or even a heart transplant. To parents....that sounds EXTREMELY scary. The next day, the doctor in charge of the PED ICU comes in and tells us she saw the x-rays and agrees with the other doctors on the myocarditis. She then proceeds to question us on why we hadn't brought him sooner and how we could not have known that he had a weak heart. She really just left us feeling like the worst parents in the world. We spent hours thinking back and trying to see if maybe we did miss signs of something being amiss......but there was nothing.NOTHING.We requested for another cardiologist to see him before anything else was done. He came in...listened to his heart...touched his chest...checked the chambers of his heart and looked baffled....extremely confused. He tells us he NEEDS to see the x-rays and talk to the other doctor. Mars and I are wondering what is going on as we hear arguing, yes...arguing. After awhile, he comes in and tells us our baby's heart is fine. He doesn't know what the other doctors saw, but it may have been the thymus gland. Either way..his heart is fine....he doesn't have any may have been a simple stomach virus that he was too dehydated to fight off...but since he's been hydrated with the IV fluids and no longer has fever or looks ill...take your baby and GO HOME. We look at each other and are like ...what in the world??????? Sooo confused....How can 4 doctors have gotten it wrong?? 4 DOCTORS???? He walks out and in comes the horrible PED ICU doctor...tells us she's STILL going to put him on medication..and STILL going to run tests...and walks out. How can I trust anything they say now??? My mother instinct kicks in and I say I don't think so. I'm taking my baby home. She begins to argue and get loud. I tell the nurse to call security 'cause someone is gonna get knocked out...seriously. I proceed to take off all his monitors, IV...everything. She refuses to give us discharge papers, and we leave anyway. We monitor him on Sun. and he's doing absolutely fine. No fever...just back to normal. We took him to his reg. pediatrician today, so that he can examine him and to let him know what happened. He agrees with our decision and has recommended us to another cardiologist he trusts...just to make sure his heart is fine. Two things could've happened.....maybe a miracle happened....or maybe those doctors were all idiots and God sent the last cardiologist to us. Either way...we're so thankful. Thankful for prayers, thankful for HIS comfort, and thankful for HIS love. Extremely thankful.
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Oh Bibi - I am so sorry you had to go through this!!!! Go with your instinct - do not let them give him meds for no reason!!!! thankfully you will have the opinion of yet another expert! If there is something serious going on his body will show the signs!
How AWFUL!!!!! That is truly bizarre. Keep us posted on what happens with the cardiologist that your ped recommended. {{HUGS}}
Oh wow, I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. So thankful everything has turned out ok.
so relieved for you!@can't imagine how I'd react if its my daughter..hugs and God bless!
Yeah! So glad to hear everything is working out for the better. God is like that He send angels when we need one.
Yup, I would say that is enough drama for a whole year! Glad that Jakey is good and healthy!!! He is adorable!
thank GOd! so glad he didn't have to go thru all of that!! Hope it's all good now!
I'm glad to hear that your little man is OK. I'd be filing some sort of complaint against the nasty cardiologist - sounds like she was VERY MUCH out of line with her responses to you.
Wow, what a weekend! I'm so extremely glad things worked out for you and I hope everything continues to go well. {HUGS}
Glad you were able to bring him home! Also glad you now have another cardiologist to take him to.
OMG....what a horrific story. thank god everything is fine, but what a NIGHTMARE!
Hugs and love to your whole family!!
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